Current Programs

Climate Change

Climate Resilience and Carbon Reduction in South India through Building Youth Leadership for Climate Action (YOU-CAN).

Formation of youth clubs

  • 34 youth clubs are formed and there are 486 members in the youth clubs from both genders.
  • Youth clubs contributed to pit marking, manuring, tree planting, and watering saplings.

Training to CLC and staff on climate literacy

  • 44 CLC facilitators and staff participated in the training program on climate literacy.
  • Messages on Climate Crisis shared to 920 children from 34 villages through our CLC gathering.
  • The participants took part in tree plantations in two oxygen parks from two villages.
  • The children have started advocating to avoid plastic materials especially carry bags.
  • The CLC facilitators encouraged children to plant tree saplings as part of their birthday celebration.

Training to young people on climate literacy

  • 65 youth leaders from 34 villages participated in the climate literacy program.
  • Mr Gnanasuriyan and Mr Venkatesh from Bhoomi trust Tirupatur, were the resource persons.
  • The complete training program was covered by Makkal Television.Children and youth had an opportunity to share their views on CC in the state level media.
  • The youth leaders took part in tree plantations in two oxygen parks from two villages as part of the training program through experiential learning

Mass awareness campaign

  • 34 villages covered in two days reached around 24700 community members.
  • Used the existing IEC materials such as hand bills, posters, audio materials and stickers.
  • Youth, CBO members and PRIs took responsibility for all the villages for the smooth happening of the campaign.