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Previous Programs

Awareness Program

Disaster Management ENTRY OF SPEECH AT NAGAPPATTINAM Since December 2004, SPEECH, along with The Village Level Peoples’ federations and child based institutions from Sivakasi and Tiruchuli, implemented the relief programme in Nagapattinam, following the massive Tsunami.After completion of the immediate relief, SPEECH started the rehabilitation process, assisting all the communities-fisher folk, gypsies and Dalits- with […]

Children’s Programs

CHILD RIGHTS PROTECTION CONTEXT FOR ENTRY In the 80s, the match &fireworks industries of Sivakasi had manychild labourers. An International Study in 1992 estimated that there were more than 100,000 child laborer’s at Sivakasi. Childrenbelow 14 years were about 55% of the total workers.  In 1989, a fatal accident occurred in which a minibus owned […]

Women Empowerment

SELF HELP GROUPS OR NANAYAM GROUPS By 1995, SPEECH and community women in our working region joined hands to promoteNanayam Groups. Nanayam in Tamil has two meanings, “Coin” and “Dignity”.As well as taking up savings and credit activities, the Nanayam groups took up issues such as violence against women, exploitation by money lenders, and dowry harassment. […]

Environmental & Agricultural Programmes

SPEECH helped people in 9 villages to identify 1,050 acres of land and renovate the nearby water tank and well, meaning that the community has access to good water, even in dry seasons.
