Current Programs

A Pilot Project in India

Animated videos on parenting for early brain development – A pilot project in India

The project was implemented in two blocks of Virudhunagar District in South India, 20 villages in Thiruchuli and 33 villages in Vembakottai. Both rural areas have a significant population belonging to most backward castes and schedule caste.

We aimed to empower parents and care givers in rural communities, by providing information about ante natal and pre-natal practices.

Parenting tips for holistic development of children in the first 1000 days of life through animated videos based on a guide book on Learning Through Play (LTP) developed by BalaMandir Research Foundation (BMRF) and the Network for Information on Parenting with support from UNICEF.

The guide book pictorially depicts significant milestones in specific domains and includes age-appropriate psycho-social messages and parenting messages on nutrition, health and safety.